Fire Destroys Office Building at Phillips 66
At approximately 6am on September 24, Whatcom County Fire responded to a call about a fire at the Phillips 66 Soccer Park office building. When firefighters arrived on scene the fire was fully involved on the south end of the building. The fire department was able to extinguish the blaze, as they knocked down large sections of roof and walls on the south end of the building. Although they were able to save the majority of the structure, there is extensive smoke and water damage to the remaining parts that will likely result in a total loss of the building. The cause of the fire is still unknown and is still being investigated.
The office building is owned and operated by the Whatcom Sports and Recreation. The Whatcom FC Rangers rent two of the three office rooms in the building and often use the meeting room for staff, team, and board meetings. There was no damage to the turf fields or to the concession stand building next door.