WFC Uniforms: Order Now!
Dear Ranger Families!
We are excited to be partnering with Soccer City and Adidas for our WFC Rangers uniforms, and we’d like to thank our uniform sponsors for their generous support of our club: Walton Beverage, BP, Devine Countertops, Yeh Orthodontics/Apple Dentistry, and Dewey Griffin.
Below are important details about the uniform ordering process for the upcoming season. Please read carefully!
We are starting our first year of a new 2-year uniform cycle with Soccer City, which means that all Ranger players (with the exception of high school seniors graduating in 2021) are required to purchase a new uniform kit, which includes a Training Kit and Game Kit.

- The Training Kit includes a training t-shirt (with number), black shorts, and blue socks. The black shorts and blue socks from the training kit will do double duty as part of the game day uniforms. You will have the option of purchasing additional pairs of shorts and socks if you desire.
- The Game Kit includes a white and blue game jersey, blue game shorts, white game socks, training pants, and training jacket. The Home Kit is white jersey, blue shorts, and white socks. The Away kit is blue jersey, black shorts and blue socks
- Backpacks: Each player is required to have a Rangers backpack. If you already own a backpack, you are not required to buy a new one this year. If you do not already have a backpack, you are required to purchase one.
- Optional Items: Adidas All Weather Jacket
- High School Seniors are required to purchase a Training Kit and a Senior Game Kit. If you are a High School Senior, please email for the correct ordering link.
- Goalkeepers are required to purchase a Training Kit and a Goalie Kit. Or if you will be playing on the field too, please discuss with your coach if you should purchase a Game Kit instead.
Ordering Process:
- Uniform orders are placed online through Soccer City using this link: Each player is responsible for ordering their uniform individually. The orders will not be batched by team. Again, each player must order a Training Kit and a Game Kit.
- Before ordering, you must know your player number. All current Rangers will use their current number. New players to the Club will be assigned a new player number by the coaching staff.
- Note that the advertised prices are RETAIL prices, before the WFC Ranger Club discount is applied. To get the special WFC Ranger discount, you must enter the coupon code: Rangers2020.
- Pick up of your items at the Bellingham Soccer City location is free. If you want your items shipped to your house, you will be required to pay for shipping.
- Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will not be hosting any in person try-on sessions at this time. Please view all images on the site for sizing information.
- If you don’t have a debit or credit card to use when ordering online, please email
- We are not able to offer scholarships for uniforms.
- Please place your order no later than July 10th. We expect Training Kit orders to be delivered within 2 weeks, Game Kits will take several weeks.
We are looking forward to seeing the kids out on the field in their new uniforms. If you have any questions about uniform ordering, please email: And remember to use the coupon code Rangers2020 when placing your order.
Thank you
WFC Rangers