WFC Rangers Parent Resources
The following Parent F.A.Q. Guide and sections help outline how our club works, explain our policies, and answer some of the frequently asked questions you may have. Additionally, you will find our financial policies and forms for Medical Releases, Scholarship Applications, plus our Player and Parent Code of Conduct.
As always, if you have any questions about the WFC Rangers program, please contact us via email.
Parent Resource Guide & F.A.Q.
WFC Membership Cost
WFC Rangers has simplified our membership costs to provide as much transparency as possible on our yearly fees. We are proud to remain one of the most cost effective and affordable clubs in Washington.
Your membership fee covers all of your tournament registration fees, training fields & lights, home game field rentals, referees, coaches stipends, player registration, and administrative costs.
Total member fees are:
U9-U10: $1745 & U11-U19: $1945

WFC Scholarships
WFC Rangers is invested in supporting our community. We provide scholarships every year to empower all families and players the opportunity to pursue competitive soccer here in Whatcom County.
We are proud to have provided scholarships to every family that qualified for the past 2 seasons!
Award will be determined by the number of qualified applicants and the total amount of the funds available. Scholarships do not cover travel expenses and any extra events your team may pursue.
Applications are due by June 15th following tryouts. Submit scholarship applications to our Club Registrar.
If you are interested in donating to our scholarship funds please contact our Executive Director, Jason Conway.