May 8: Club Announcement
Good Morning Rangers Families,
Thank you for registering for the 2020/21 WFC Rangers season. If you have not done so already, please remember to complete your registration by accepting your position in your age group. You can accept you spot here by logging into your Sports Connect account.
Accepting your position in our club is extremely important as we assess age groups and plan for this coming year. As a reminder, there will be no further membership payments until we resume training and all costs for the season will be prorated if we are unable to start June 1. You don’t pay until we play!
If you are still interested in playing Rangers next season it is not too late!
Register Here Now!
Club Wide Communication
We will send out weekly emails to keep everyone up to date with information on our club news and calendars.
We will be using Sports Connect (where you registered) as our email distribution list. If you would like to add an email to our mailing list, please add one into your Sport Connect account you can access your account by going to our website and hit “Members Login” from the main navigation.
When we get back onto the field and finalize teams, we will integrate our new teams into TeamSnap and use that as our main form of communication for the club.Team Formation
Teams will be formed when each age group can get back to training. We have coaches who will be taking new positions in age groups and they will need time to make sure each player is placed on the team that will benefit their development. We will use continuous evaluation and on field age group training to make sure we place each player correctly. We ask for your patience as we work through this very unusual process and make the best decisions for every player.
Projected Schedules & Start Dates
With the guidelines set by the governor to reopen our state, we are working with the RCL and WSYSA to plan for the upcoming season. Our ultimate goal is to make sure our players and coaches are safe as we do our part in these unprecedented times to flatten the curve of the Corona virus.
Just as our community plans for the next steps as we slowly integrate back into the public to resume our normal lives, we anticipate a similar transition back to club soccer. There will likely be phases or integration for our teams as we get back to training and playing in games.
We are working right now to build projected summer schedules based on the new guidelines provided to us by our state, we will keep you up to date on these projected summer schedules once they are completed. We hope to have these out soon.
Individual Training
If you are interested in training this May, be sure to use our Morning Kick program. This has been designed for you to keep you active and help keep you sharp technically. This a great daily program to help keep you motivated.
Scholarships & Financial Help
We do not want financial burdens to stop families from taking part in Rangers. If you need assistance with regard to scholarships or financial help please contact Charleen Wallace or Jason Conway
If you have general questions about your age group please contact your age group director:
Girls U13-U19- Jamie Arthurs-
Boys U13-U19- Josh Braun-
Youth Director U9-U12- Noah Braun-
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all very soon on the pitch playing soccer, where we belong.
WFC Rangers
Driven by Purpose. Empowered with Passion. Destined for Greatness.